OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Stage Property Differences in Consistency Manager

The best method for staging the differences in the Consistency Manager is to have an OpenPlant PID and OpenPlant Modeler drawing opened simultaneously. OpenPlant PID components should be synced with PlantSight. The corresponding OpenPlant Modeler components should also be placed and committed.
Note: The OpenPlant Modeler components do not have to be present in the active model but having them placed in the active model is a good visual aid.
  1. In OpenPlant Modeler, open the Consistency Manager.
  2. Select the Document Tree and set the Differences and Active Model Filters and the OPPID document.
  3. Stage the properties using one of the following methods:

    Click the individual check box properties:


    Check the Header check box. This will stage all the difference properties:


    Right click on the instance with properties and select Stage Items from the context menu:


    Select Stage All from the Consistency Manager ribbon:

    Once a property difference is Staged (checked), the Instance will change color.



    Note: If you have selected the Stage All option, then all of the instances will change color because all properties will be checked:
  4. To enable the changes click Save from the main ribbon.
  5. When prompted to commit the changes, click Yes.
  6. Refresh the Instances tree. If you refresh the tree using only the Differences option as a filter, then any instances which were updated (staged) will not be displayed.